Joint forces
Rejlers Embriq will join forces with partners Fraunhofer IFF, Mincom Smart Solutions from Germany, and RISE, Insplorion and Glava Energy Center from Sweden and Metrum as leading partner. InnoEnergy, ABB, Krebs Engineers, Västra Orust Energi and VänerEnergi will support the project as observing partners.
Artificial intelligence
– Building upon the results of the earlier European Pattern Recognition project, we and our partners will focus on developing Artificial Intelligence for battery storage control, using Rejlers Embriqs extensive knowledge and expertise in the area as well as our products and services for integrating, managing and analysing data, says David Westerlund, Business Development Manager in Rejlers Embriq.
Optimal use of the Power Grid
By developing advanced measurement technology and adaptive control algorithms, energy storage in the grid will be more profitable and contribute more to the stability and optimal use of the power grid. Combined with new business models and innovative billing solutions, the project aims to trigger wide-scale deployment in the power grid, a critical success factor for the transition to 100% renewable energy.
About the project
The project will be part of the EU-program ERA-NET Smart Energy Systems. The project will start in September 2018 and continue forward for a planned duration of 2,5 years, with a budget totaling 1.6 MEUR.
About Rejlers Embriq
Rejlers Embriq provides services to customers throughout the Nordic region. We contribute to business benefits for our customers through digitization of physical infrastructure, smart choices and strategic use of IT, within focus areas such as Energy, Retail, Buildings and Smart City services. Rejlers Embriq have a joint organization with Rejlers Engineering and together we provide unique knowledge of digitalization in combination with engineering consultancy services. We are part of Rejlers which is listed on NASDAQ QMX in Stockholm. Rejlers has more than 2,000 employees and had a turnover of 2.5 billion SEK in 2017.