As soon as you have been set up in our operational concept, you are able to put this new technology to full use. We continuously review your environment and focus on providing you with increased security, more scalable services and – more importantly – substantial savings. By utilising new cloud technology, we make your IT infrastructure more robust and secure to allow you to embark on your journey to a more digitised business.
We focus on frameworks from Amazon and Microsoft to optimise your IT environment. We look at the environment as a whole and define the technology we can offer ‘as a service’. This removes risk for you as the customer and us as the partner while in the long term we achieve an environment that is easier to operate and manage for both parties.
The environments we set up are, of course, set up with code and all infrastructure is updated. For example, we upgrade all OS to the latest version, we tag environments by criticality, map services against application and ensure consistency throughout your digital value chain.
Migration strategy